Sleeper cell Jihadis prepping to strike in America? Disturbing report on X
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If there is an attack, or numerous simultaneous attacks, similar to those that occurred in Israel last October, we would have a hard time responding and repelling the attackers. Yes, we have more armed citizens than any other country, but we do not have local militia's anymore. We would need to be able to muster a sizable force working collaboratively and with good communication in order to effectively respond to an attack of this nature.
We need to seriously start considering forming local militia's in every community around America. If you look in the mirror, you will see exactly who comprised the militia in the days of our Founders. Of course that is if you are a man. I am not saying we do not allow women today, but back in the founders time, it was exclusively men.
I am a firm believer in the fact that we all have a spiritual, moral, and personal responsibility to protect ourselves, our families, our property, and our communities. Everyone should be armed, and fully trained in the use of the weapons they choose to own and use. Everyone should have emergency plans in place for their households, and should be rehearsing these plans with their families to the point that if something were to happen, everyone knows their role, and what they are supposed to do in SHTF situation.
Taken to the next level, if you have good and dependable neighbors, is a neighborhood plan to coordinate defensive actions across larger areas of responsibility. The recent events in Israel should make it very plain why this would be a wise course of action for us today.
As it stands today, our suburbs and neighborhoods are all but defenseless against these type of attacks by organized illegal invaders, unless you and your neighbors do something to change that.
We need to relearn what it is to be neighbors and build communities of people who care about each other and protect each other. Neighbors that have each others backs.
When seconds count, the government (including police) are minutes away. When tyrannical government is behind the illegal invasion, they will be even slower to respond or help. Just look at how Biden is handling the aftermath of the latest hurricane to devastate the southeastern United States.
I believe that we should form local community militias and form regional militia networks in each state. These militias would train together on a regular basis. They would support each other to protect their communities and citizens from government tyranny, invasions, etc.
With the threat of internal attacks in American communities, this is more important than ever. We are in more danger within our borders today than we have ever been at any other time in the history of our Republic. Not since the War of 1812, and the Revolutionary War, have we faced the threat of attacks domestically, and within our cities, suburbs, and communities.
One also has to ask: What will the immediate targets be? They won't just be riding around in Toyota pickups indiscriminately shooting random people at first. A dozen men with automatic rifles would severely damage any
a) police precinct b) power station c) tv or radio studio d) you name it
2 men with explosives could take out any interstate highway bridge or cell tower
then the chaos begins