111 Ashville NC: Rescue of a child by a dog (www.wcnc.com) posted 5 months ago by brain_dead 5 months ago by brain_dead +111 / -0 Family dog finds 11-year-old boy under several feet of rubble after mudslide during Helene A family said their dog rescued their 11-year-old grandson from a mudslide in the mountains. The child shared his experiences with WCNC Charlotte. 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Made me cry! What a great story!!❤️
I am sure it won't be the last. Dogs are angels. I have one. I am sure I will see him when I leave this earth.
I expect a long greeting line of horses, dogs and cats when I reach heaven!
Wonderful! Me, too...✨
You will fren. God doesn't take away anything in the next life that He Gave us in this life!🙌
Amen to that.
Dogs are too pure for this world sometimes. (I'm a cat person tho)
Yes they are. I love dogs. Cats are good too.
They are both Angels In Fur...
Made me cry.. I am so happy they are safe and have a new family of friends.. A great big Thank you to all..
I love my rescues! Thanks for the beautiful story.
All of our babies are rescued...