I’m tired of dealing with bread and circus normies. I wish I had friends I could sit with and discuss Q, Trump, what our future as a country will look like, etc. A few people I know are beginning to wake up, but it’s painfully slow and for the most part ignorance is still rampant. One friend recently told me about an exciting family trip to Disneyland, and all I could think is why would anyone want to support pedos. Sometimes it’s hard to relate to others around me. Sorry, just venting. I’m grateful I at least have this community where I can be around like-minded people!
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Agreed.. I only know 2-3 people on the same page and we could talk for hours but other than that, everybody else is dumb tards... forgive me Lord for calling people names..idk how else to put it. We got treason, pedo, trafficking, murders, cities taken over by illegals, inflation, unemployment, drug and crimes, and these people still refuse to see the truth in front of them. My next door neighbor put up a big Harris sign today. I'm speechless.
I hear you. They are living on a different planet!
Totally.. my next door neighbor is gay and lives w/ his husband. We don't care. We always stay cordial and civilized. He's a nice guy, helps around w/ backyards and always friendly and cheerful. But he thinks if Trump wins his gay rights will be taken away. Like what? He actually thinks if Trump wins his gay marriage will be annulled and he can't be gay anymore. I want to set the record straight so badly but the hubby say just keep quiet we want peace in the neighborhood. I want to put up a Trump sign too but in my blue city I have to fear retaliation? But it's ok for the dems to be LOUD and PROUD? I just don't know what to think and feel about it.. just keep praying Trump gets in office next year I guess. GAW is my place to vent lol
Yes and your neighbor will wake up someday soon I pray.
Meanwhile, we have each other. Always remember that u/Stillwater and everyone here. God brought us here for a reason. I believe this with all my heart.
I sometimes wonder if they pray we would just “ wake up” to their world view. I really wonder that. But then i get the vibe that they live off of the division. I just cannot envision the coming together . It’s more like adapting to the differences in world views. Currently though, I think raw fear is driving much of their action.