posted ago by Bibloop ago by Bibloop +26 / -1

101,341 votes

Daily Poll (1 of 6)

Do you plan to get a flu shot this year?

34% - YES

30% - Already got it

36% - NO

Daily Poll (2 of 6)

Do you plan to get the latest COVID booster?

24% - YES

20% - Already Boosted

56% - NO

Daily Poll (3 of 6)

Do you usually get the flu shot?

55% - Every Year

18% - Some Years

27% - NEVER

Daily Poll (4 of 6)

Did you get any COVID vaccines?

82% - YES

18% - NO

Daily Poll (5 of 6)

When was the last time you had the flu?

10% - Within the past year

19% - Within the past 5 years

33% - More than 5 years ago

38% - I don't remember

Daily Poll (6 of 6)

Have you ever had COVID?

22% - Yes, more than once

34% - Yes, once

36% - NO

8% - Not sure