This is a suggestion thats really good for the soul and takes the tension and returns it back in the form of positive energy. We can only benefit from participation here. High Noon and before dark would be fantastic if you can join in.
The great remote viewer Dick Algier and his network are astonished at the electric nature of the time frame and he too suggests positive input to stem the tide and put money in our bank so to speak.
Witches are complaning they cannot touch or reach Trump , so we are on track here, many are changing sides and joining our movement for a better world. Lets see what we can do, maybe we are just getting started !
Amen. Pray without ceasing!!
Also 3pm and 3am the divine mercy chaplet. The other day I had a huge vision of Christ Crucified pouring out His precious cleansing blood and water over the whole world. 🥲🥲
Now try to see him victoriously raised from the dead by God's power. After all we don't serve a dead savior but one who is very much alive and very powerful as he sits at God own right hand the head of the body of holy spirit filled Christian believers who sit with him.
I've been praying for Trump everyday,since this shitshow started.....
I'm up at o dark thirty. I've got hours of prayer in already by the time noon even tolls. Pray without ceasing amd speak in tongues much privately as it is the purest form of prayer.