Mitch, Shiff, Pelosi, Schumer and numerous others are life long politicians that do anything to stay in power---even rigging elections. The money is only secondary to them. Having the POWER to start wars, to spend billions on pet projects and only work about 30 days a year is so corrupting it has all of them drunk with power. They do not and have not represented the people for decades. They only represent those that keep them in power!
Mitch, Shiff, Pelosi, Schumer and numerous others are life long politicians that do anything to stay in power---even rigging elections. The money is only secondary to them. Having the POWER to start wars, to spend billions on pet projects and only work about 30 days a year is so corrupting it has all of them drunk with power. They do not and have not represented the people for decades. They only represent those that keep them in power!
They all need to go somewhere hot.