I'm a white woman, I have two technical degrees. I'm very misogynistic. We can only hope that the sexual hold woman use to emasculate men is broken with this election. Men must retake their rightful place in our society. Its time we respect our fathers, husband's and sons. We need to realize they have much to offer and a little respect goes a long way.
I'm a white woman, I have two technical degrees. I'm very misogynistic. We can only hope that the sexual hold woman use to emasculate men is broken with this election. Men must retake their rightful place in our society. Its time we respect our fathers, husband's and sons. We need to realize they have much to offer and a little respect goes a long way.
So true. As women go, so goes Western society.
My mom and sister both for Kamala and both must love killing babies. I am so disgusted and disappointed.