Trump ordered the overthrow of the Venezuelan Maduro regime in 2019 -- and the CIA botched it -report
For the world's crummiest anti-American dictators, sometimes it's not just the art of the deal for them in relations with President Trump. The left has criticized Trump for talking to dictators for deals, but now it's obvious that Trump a...
Working with the CIA to interfere in another nation's democracy is not draining the swamp or fighting the Deep State.
Do you really believe that Venezuela under Maduro is a Democracy? I have been living here since 1981 and I can assure you that it is NOT.
In what way do you find it undemocratic? Venezuela is one the Nations in the crosshairs of the Deep State as they do not control it and they want the resources.
Nationalizing private companies (consumer goods), seizing private property (agricultural and livestock), jailing opposition journalists and politicians, intimidation of citizens. Athoritarian, not democratic. The Globlalists want the resources, the Deep State is just a tool, just as is happening in your country.
...apparently they do now...