"The so-called “model minority” stereotype, one of the most pervasive and harmful assumptions about Asian Americans, holds that Asian Americans are a uniformly high-achieving racial minority that has assimilated well into American society through hard work, obedience to social mores and academic achievement."
And that's supposed to be a bad thing?!?
WE realize that Asian Americans are no more monolithic than any other "identity politics" group.
In Canada there are people labeled minorities who come from Nations with over a billion people. There are less than 25 million Canadian born Canadians.
Admiring them is now racist??
"The so-called “model minority” stereotype, one of the most pervasive and harmful assumptions about Asian Americans, holds that Asian Americans are a uniformly high-achieving racial minority that has assimilated well into American society through hard work, obedience to social mores and academic achievement."
And that's supposed to be a bad thing?!?
WE realize that Asian Americans are no more monolithic than any other "identity politics" group.
In Canada there are people labeled minorities who come from Nations with over a billion people. There are less than 25 million Canadian born Canadians.