Everyone has their own beliefs about extraterrestrial life. Theories and beliefs on this subject are more contentious than Various factions of Christians fighting over pre-trib vs post-tribulation rapture doctrines.
I am surveying not beliefs but actual experiences amongst our ranks. If you have had one or more eyewitness firsthand accounts of UFO's or ET's, please list your experiences here.
It was during Covid lock-downs and I was in the backyard with the dog playing fetch. I look into the distance and I see a clear balloon in the sky. I'm watching it trying to make out if it is a balloon as I notice its getting bigger. Then I realize its heading straight for me getting bigger and bigger, until its over the top of me. It was the size of a small house?
It was perfectly round like a globe. It looked as if was clear as glass and made no sound. Underneath was the weird thing. It had some sort of reflective technology. Imaging the sky above underneath the craft as it drifted above me. I could see blue sky and clouds looking at the underneath of it, almost like it was see thru, but because it was slowly moving I could see it was some sort of reflecting tech imaging what was above underneath ...if that makes sense.
I imagine if it was at any decent height you wouldn't see it. It could be sitting there in the sky completely invisible. Amazing technology.
Your encounter sounds like our cloaking tech.
Its cloaking tech alright. I can't demonstrate in words what I saw, but it was incredible. It was like looking at clear glass, crystal clear, yet it was all a reflection.