Like Witches & Warlocks . . . Big Pharma Television / Money Transfer . . . They go hand in hand.
HUGE amounts of money has been transfered since Bill and Hillary Clinton opened the flood gates for Big Pharma to advertise on TV ( The main brainwashing vessel).
To this day, many groups transfer money through TV, Big Pharma commercials and Political PACS, in addition to Aide to countries and old school 'modern art' .
The Placebo study was a paralell to drug studies to compare effectiveness. Now that we know what we know, Its bullshit. People have the power to cure themselves as they do to believe a sugar pill did so. NOT SO FAST HUMANS> . . .
The monsters that created the flicker rate of the TV to lul you into submissiveness also factored in the NEVER reported converse . . NOCEBO.
WTF is a NOCEBO. . .
You already know. . . Its the long disclaimer after the Jingle, The Happy Family or Happy Community. Its the LAUNDRY LIST OF THINGS THAT 'COULD' FUCK YOU UP AS A RESULT OF CONSUMING SUCH PRODUCT. . . Ask your Doctor, the White Coat, The 1913 Construct that synthesised nature to keep you comfortable while they rob you. Not CURE you, no, keep you around to suck you dry.
Disclosure: This post may cause indigestion, heightened blood pressure, conflicting thoughts, vertigo, Thrush, night sweats, chest pressure, tightness, hunger, thirst, cinstricted lung efficacy, increased heart rate, irratable bowel, blindness, constipation.
NOCEBO. . . You got it ! Ask Your Doctor ( the white coat )
Another example of Nocebos is being assaulted by gross or suggestive ads and commercials. I actually boycott websites that have a lot of those.