I think the Q plan started when JFK was assassinated, and it took this long for the plan to come to fruition because the military intelligence had to find a way to defeat the CIA, which was infiltrated by Nazis from WW2 (Paperclip). The next big revelation to come after this plan is the public knowledge about the space aliens. The CIA was a shadow government that primarily was focused on reverse engineering alien tech to take over the world (Highjump). We are not and never were alone in the universe. There is so much that has been kept secret from everyone. This is a battle between good and evil to reveal it.
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I will be completely honest- I am gonna need some five star sauce before I accept Aliens. I am WAY more likely to believe that is a shift in psyop. That is coming from someone who believes that we have a big universe and a big God so I am open minded to the concept I just think it is a convenient way to control people so I am VERY sus
Q said aliens were real
Still as I said- that doesn’t mean that what we are presented is real. Disney wasn’t a sweet company seeking to give children wholesome entertainment etc etc. I think we all need to be discerning going forward. I am not denying your assertions just stating an observation. It is very powerful information that could be used for the good or for enslaving people deeper into a mindset that enslaves them. That’s assuming the “aliens “themselves are being honest. Lots of moving parts. Hopefully I am just a bit jaded and I will get to eat a giant crow pie nothing would make me happier than to enter a new golden age as some claim is coming.
I plugged in the terms, extraterrestrial and aliens on the q drops site. I didn’t get any hits. I did get a hit for UFOs. Which q drop said aliens are real?
Are we alone ?
Roswell ?
No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q
Bubble burst pointed that out in the general chat for me, so we aren’t alone. But then #376 says this: Are UFOs a distraction?
Is it possible that the vastness of space refers to other dimensions and that while we aren’t alone, we aren’t dealing with extra terrestrial aliens but with interdimensional beings?