Did I miss something? What is being done for Rudy Giuliani? I just read this ghastly article about how they are confiscating this elderly man's refrigerator! The comments following the artcle were filled with gleeful liberals chortling over the fact that Rudy has been "abandoned once he was no longer of use to Trump" and all sorts of other horrid things.
What is being done for this man?
Good question. Hard to be sure about the guy. Did do a lot for the city, and 2020 stuff, but...
Remember this...
"We got 120 dump trucks out of the city last night."
I don't know anything about that. It's just that this man is 80. i don't understand how what they are doing to him doesn't qualify as elder abuse. It is over and above vindictive persecution of an elderly (and looking more frail of late) man.
2900+ people died on 9-11. Most didn’t make it passed 50.
I am not sure that I believe you can hold on to all of the "evidence" at the crime scene of two collapsed buildings the size of the World Trade Center. Granted, I never actually saw the buildings in person, but in photos they appeared huge. The article cited depicts the removal of the collapsed buildings as some kind of "proof" of suspicious activity. That seems to be somewhat irrational if you look at it from the perspective of a search and recover angle.
Truly -- from an objective standpoint (having tried to clean out an apartment for an elderly relative who was a hoarder) it is impossible to do anything when there is too much "stuff" around until it is removed. So I can -- having dealt with a situation of "too much" of something -- tell you truthfully that there may not have been a nefarious purpose for removing debris from the collapse of the buildings. Simply put -- the people working would be unable to do anything with all of it "there" in their way.
Then too -- how long do you actually think it would take to sift through two huge buidings worth of debris? You would never know if you missed any evidence -- how could you? That's a massive undertaking. I think you need realistic expectations as to how long a time can be devoted to going through such a massive pile of debris. Would a month have satisfied you? Six months? A year? Five years? Realistically, no matter how much time was devoted to the project someone would claim it wasn't enough.
i have never been to New York. But it's my understanding these buildings were located in a highly populated business district. People going to work had to breathe the dust from the debris (allow for wind). I know my cousin by marriage - a NYC police detective eventually died from lung issues he developed from breathing in debris on 9/11 doing whatever he could to help. So that is another reason you can't have this toxic stuff lying around. Did you know Giuliani has lung issues himself due to 9/11? Is it likely he would have willingly given himself up to this health issue?
As to the other matter raised in the article -- whether someone told him the buildings would collapse and so he "knew" is anyone's guess. I'll tell you this much. I am no architect, but if I saw a building get hit by a plane -- the thought that the building might collapse would definitely cross my mind. I would get as far away from it as I could. And I would not need a "professional" to tell me to clear out because I have common sense.
Check out AE911 on YouTube. Read the work of Judy Wood.
It was all a planned crime, he cleaned up the crime scene.