If they were pressured, they could have been told to do so, BECAUSE, fema is asshoe. It could have been advice to get assistance given what we know now. Still wrong, but so was killing every first born unless you smear lambs blood above your front door. Except God gave the decree in response to evils that were being done.
The give grace side of me leans toward the person trying to say “hey! Do this because the system is corrupt!”
If they were pressured, they could have been told to do so, BECAUSE, fema is asshoe. It could have been advice to get assistance given what we know now. Still wrong, but so was killing every first born unless you smear lambs blood above your front door. Except God gave the decree in response to evils that were being done. The give grace side of me leans toward the person trying to say “hey! Do this because the system is corrupt!”
Asshoe is asshoe