185 Who else believes they Exasperated Covid in 2020/2021, Diagnosing the flu as such??? Then gave them Remdesivir, Outlawed in many Nations because of adverse effects, , and put them on ventilators… DEPOPULATION AGENDA??? 😡😡 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 months ago by Oldpatriot 3 months ago by Oldpatriot +186 / -1 42 comments download share 42 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Do you have the links to the original source data? There is problem with this image if you look closely at the graph it actually does have data for 2020 it does not have data for 2021 but the text bubble above it says where did 2020 and 2021 go?
I'm unable to find an original source with jpg.
The closest I was able to get is here but it doesn't have the data at the bottom.