Just had a newborn myself. Hep B on the second day after birth and more to follow. Feels like they’re literally harming them. The babies always get jaundice immediately after the Hep B shot, which is actually a symptom of Hep B. Has anybody actually managed to save their infants and toddlers from going through these vaccines?
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You can just say no. They will fight you on it, but it’s your decision. Just be firm, and don’t give in to their scare tactics. They will try hard to make you feel like shit. If you haven’t done the research, get yourself a few books like “The Vaccine Book” and the “Vaccine Safety Manual”. Both can be found for cheap at places like Amazon. Be prepared to seek out a real pediatrician. Most big medical group pediatricians will just tell you to go somewhere else if you have concerns about vaccines. There are resources online to find a good pediatrician who doesn’t push vaccines. I have a family member who is dealing with this now as well. It was easy for us, because we agree 100% on the dangers of vaccines. For them, the mother is 100% against and father is 100% for. It is rough when it’s like that, very emotionally difficult. My first was vaccinated because we didn’t know any better. He too had jaundice and developed type 1 diabetes at 8. My second is vaccine free and has been sick with minor colds and nothing more his whole life. The first hand stories of other parents will make you strong in your convictions. Find community.
Ask questions. If they can't answer tell them you don't feel comfortable.