I understand this however , the info that me and everyone else knows about these people is common knowledge , DJT already knows what we know ! Chad Chorister is a covid lockdown dick as well as other problems . But DJT who I liove also picked a vaxx and mask nazi for surgeon general so there you have it ! I was so hoping for Dr. Ben Carson or the guy from Flordia he’s great .
Senate confirmation. I see some of DJT's picks being confirmed quickly and others will be grilled for days (weeks?) on end. I think of the quick ones as just being placeholders. They can and will get fired if their performance doesn't meet DJT's goals. DJT can then appoint an "Acting" director, chief, or whatever title, which does NOT require immediate senate confirmation. Moves and countermoves. The important part is getting positions filled as quickly as possible. Just my opinion.
This guy is a major dick, so is Phelan the dude he hired as Sec of Navy ! WTF is going on ! I love DJT but he’s appointing some real enemy’s , why ?
If you appoint someone, you can also fired the person. If you hired someone by mistake, you can get rid of them too.
I understand this however , the info that me and everyone else knows about these people is common knowledge , DJT already knows what we know ! Chad Chorister is a covid lockdown dick as well as other problems . But DJT who I liove also picked a vaxx and mask nazi for surgeon general so there you have it ! I was so hoping for Dr. Ben Carson or the guy from Flordia he’s great .
Senate confirmation. I see some of DJT's picks being confirmed quickly and others will be grilled for days (weeks?) on end. I think of the quick ones as just being placeholders. They can and will get fired if their performance doesn't meet DJT's goals. DJT can then appoint an "Acting" director, chief, or whatever title, which does NOT require immediate senate confirmation. Moves and countermoves. The important part is getting positions filled as quickly as possible. Just my opinion.
Your opinion is a good and smart one K2 ! Let’s pray this happens ;)