I visited my folks in MI for Thanksgiving, and saw literally hundreds of Trump signs on the drive between Port Huron and Port Austin. Excellent work Sanilac county and Huron county patriots!
The Stigeon Witches have had control of all three houses because of the east side of the state. Michigan residents have suffered a long time. Thank God Trump got in or you'd be a panty waist too.
I wonder if that semi trailer with the big TRUMP painted on it is still parked on the south side of M-43. I've since moved from the area (and dumped my leftist loon girlfriend) and can't remember if it was still there or not.
I visited my folks in MI for Thanksgiving, and saw literally hundreds of Trump signs on the drive between Port Huron and Port Austin. Excellent work Sanilac county and Huron county patriots!
Oklahoma is Trump Country.
Michigan is filled with panty waists who refuse to fix their corrupt voting system.
The Stigeon Witches have had control of all three houses because of the east side of the state. Michigan residents have suffered a long time. Thank God Trump got in or you'd be a panty waist too.
Because of Dominion
LOVE our rural Patriots!
I wonder if that semi trailer with the big TRUMP painted on it is still parked on the south side of M-43. I've since moved from the area (and dumped my leftist loon girlfriend) and can't remember if it was still there or not.