Went to High School in the late sixties and physical fitness was required. We used to have to shimmy up these thick ropes that were hung from the high ceiling of the gym. You had to touch the steel beam at the top to get credit for it., even girls (like me) were required to do it. There were maybe three or four fat kids in the entire school. We also played field hockey, basketball, softball and did track. All in gym class. We were lucky enough to have a pond near the school and got to ice skate on it during the winter months.
Went to High School in the late sixties and physical fitness was required. We used to have to shimmy up these thick ropes that were hung from the high ceiling of the gym. You had to touch the steel beam at the top to get credit for it., even girls (like me) were required to do it. There were maybe three or four fat kids in the entire school. We also played field hockey, basketball, softball and did track. All in gym class. We were lucky enough to have a pond near the school and got to ice skate on it during the winter months.