As the title says if you could skip Christmas this year to have Trump start on Dec 25, would you? That would be the best Christmas present ever!
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My daughter posted that she thought certain voters were not to be trusted protecting Anne Frank. She knows who I support, so she is saying I cannot be trusted to protect my grandson. It broke my heart. Christmas may never be the same. I will try, but please God, forgive my heart this season.
I am so sorry that happened. Of course you would protect your grand baby. I pity your daughter to be in such a place that she thinks that way. Please try and keep an ember of joy and hope and don’t let your hurt harden your heart. Someday she will understand that nothing is more important than love and a mother’s love is especially precious. A grandmother is such a special gift to a child. Someday she will understand that what one thinks is important isn’t nearly as what is actually. I pray it happens soon and she realizes she is chasing opinions of herself from others rather than embracing who has always been on her side. Hugs