Just a stray thought. Christ said if you lift me up I will draw men to me. I often wonder if at least a part of the constant twisting and distortion of what is holy is at least in part to plant a subconscious seed against just that. A small child seeing this may not remember seeing it or being afraid but when they enter a church the seed of fear will grow. They may not understand why a church or choir robes or crosses cause them to feel afraid or distressed. Instead of peace and hope they feel dread and pain. Basic simple. Nothing more needed but it could provide a platform to extend the narrative. Christ and Christians bad. I am aware of the other potential “technology and techniques “ but this seems so basic horror movie it got me to thinking.
Just a stray thought. Christ said if you lift me up I will draw men to me. I often wonder if at least a part of the constant twisting and distortion of what is holy is at least in part to plant a subconscious seed against just that. A small child seeing this may not remember seeing it or being afraid but when they enter a church the seed of fear will grow. They may not understand why a church or choir robes or crosses cause them to feel afraid or distressed. Instead of peace and hope they feel dread and pain. Basic simple. Nothing more needed but it could provide a platform to extend the narrative. Christ and Christians bad. I am aware of the other potential “technology and techniques “ but this seems so basic horror movie it got me to thinking.