It’s your money paying for their new cars, real estate deals, and luxury yachts.
And your elected officials, while paying off their own misdeeds and sexual endeavors with your money, keep sending your money to Ukraine to keep the fraud cycle going. No wonder the USA is 36 Trillion in the hole……..
The common denominator is that it’s YOUR money!
The whole reason for these mersonary conflicts is to provide kickbacks to U.S. corp, Ukraine Inc, Isreal inc, Great Britain (inc), Germany Inc, etc., etc., etc.,
It’s your money paying for their new cars, real estate deals, and luxury yachts. And your elected officials, while paying off their own misdeeds and sexual endeavors with your money, keep sending your money to Ukraine to keep the fraud cycle going. No wonder the USA is 36 Trillion in the hole…….. The common denominator is that it’s YOUR money!
The whole reason for these mersonary conflicts is to provide kickbacks to U.S. corp, Ukraine Inc, Isreal inc, Great Britain (inc), Germany Inc, etc., etc., etc.,