And... there is no limit to the number of O1 visas that can be issued.
proving Ramaswampy and AutisticRocketMan really just want cheap and compliant workers.
And... there is no limit to the number of O1 visas that can be issued.
proving Ramaswampy and AutisticRocketMan really just want cheap and compliant workers.
Yes McDs used the H1B visas to get rid of their entire accounting department! And to add insult to injury, the fired employees had to train them! Disney did something like that, too.
HINT: Accounting is a fungible skill. No need to FIRE American accountants except to hire lower salaried foreigners. SHEESH!
HINT: Hey India! With all your highly skilled and intelligent labor force [which we do not discount, and many of them have been educated HERE], why can't YOU come up with the industries to hire them, HMMM? The barrier to industry settling someplace is often the lack of a skilled workforce needed for their operation.
Since you have such a premiere workforce, what is the problem?? Inquiring minds would like to know why they have to leave their own country??
IOW all these foreigners imported to work here --- why do not their own nations have the ability to use them??
Why cannot those genius level people use their intellect and skills to develop profitable enterprises IN THEIR OWN NATIONS?? Which would hire other local employees without the skills to go abroad??
I guess it is just TOO EASY for them to escape here and get out of those responsibilities to their own culture and nation??
Maybe this will answer some questions;
that about sums it up for me.