On Fox and Friends this morning, Will Cain interviewed Dr. Redfield, former CDC Director, who ADMITTED that the CIA was involved IN THE WUHAN LAB LEAK!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!! PRAY that Dr. Redfield doesn't get Arkancided!!! Somebody post the video, pls. They had another revealing followup discussion a few minutes after in which they ask even more "inconvenient questions"....
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I would say wuhan lab leak story helps keep the covid narrative alive as opposed to the rebranded flu narrative.
yup, the lab leak/bat soup dialectic was a distraction from the truth; Covid was just rebranded flu and they killed people with hospital protocols
I think the narrative was released around the time they were rolling out 5g because they didn't know if it was going to have immediate effects. The 5g effects are longer term but they couldn't afford the public outrage in case. It was also released around elections to control, etc as we all know.
They may have very well tried to release a virus but it failed miserably.
Hence the zero flu cases during the pandemic and no uptick in mortality rates.
Similar to aids being created as excuse for "treatments" for aids...the "treatments" being the actual killer.