I have a family member that works in the medical field and has taken all jabs to keep working.
This family member has gone off the deep end after the election (they’re hardcore lib). This very well educated, very well off family member has admitted if things do not get better in 2025 for libtards, they will start to take actions against other family members.
My retired elderly parents worked very hard their entire life and are comfortable financially. They live modestly, but are very comfortable
This family member has threatened to “rob” them if things don’t get better. They claim their other retired family members only receive $400 per month to live and it’s not fair my parents have more.
I’m at a loss on what to do. They were distant at our holiday gather, only accepted gifts, ate quickly and left
Any advice on how to help them or protect my parents?
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I had a close family member who had a personality shift from drug use - not the same but sharing lessons learned the hard way. I had to abandon my emotional response and allow them to walk out consequences. Absolutely document Everything they say or do.( evidence ) Tell other trusted family members ( witnesses) Let them know their threats are crossing a line and that you will take action if they follow through and cut ties. (It seems cruel but much less cruel than prison.) explain that it will take time to build that trust back and you hope that yall can regain a closer bond in the future ( never make someone unstable feel a bridge is burned they tend to go over the edge with nothing to lose) Install security cameras ( a clear message you mean business) If that doesn’t change their behavior Go to the family member who they plan to help and tell them they are threatening to rob your parents on their behalf . ( remove motivation) I promise this will all cause family division and possible accusations of over reacting but honestly the betrayal and hurt your elderly parents feel is worse. Further from experience unhinged people will also falsely accuse others ( thus the telling the motivational factor) they will find a way to make it someone else’s fault rather than admit they were capable ( cognitive dissonance)
Hugs and I will be in prayer for yall. My family never recovered from a similar betrayal and I can’t tell you for certain my advice will work because it was not what I did and I hope yall can avoid a similar fate
Additionally once they have respected your boundaries for quite a while and IF they apologize sincerely and win back trust then and ONLY then truly forgive them and restore that relationship if possible. That part is for you not them to give you peace and must be on your terms.