NOW can’t come soon enough. I wish I’d known all this when my dad was dying of lung cancer. I really researched everything I could. Even went to the Cancer Institute and got books. Never did I see anything about parasites. Found out he shouldn’t eat burnt food. The free radicals created by bbq or searing are food to the cancer, supposedly. What total bullsh*t. These people really need to pay for their crimes.
Wow. The whole cancer research thing is a huge waste of money and more importantly, lives.
Absolutely. Has been all along.Criminals need to go to jail NOW. ⚖️
NOW can’t come soon enough. I wish I’d known all this when my dad was dying of lung cancer. I really researched everything I could. Even went to the Cancer Institute and got books. Never did I see anything about parasites. Found out he shouldn’t eat burnt food. The free radicals created by bbq or searing are food to the cancer, supposedly. What total bullsh*t. These people really need to pay for their crimes.
Me, too girl! I always say my Daddy was murdered by M D Anderson with their cut, burn, poison protocol. I will NEVER forgive them.
May your daddy rest in peace knowing his daughter is such a wonderful person. We grow up pretty fast after they go, don’t we?