I despise the "my intel sources say", "I have it on very good authority", "My high level sources close to this", .etc. Then comes out with the "if I get this out, it MIGHT not happen". Sorry, I'm out. Just like when I started watching the Sean Ryan interview. I could tell that guy was 100% full of shit from the jump. Everything is a psyop at this point. VERIFY EVERYTHING!
I despise the "my intel sources say", "I have it on very good authority", "My high level sources close to this", .etc. Then comes out with the "if I get this out, it MIGHT not happen". Sorry, I'm out. Just like when I started watching the Sean Ryan interview. I could tell that guy was 100% full of shit from the jump. Everything is a psyop at this point. VERIFY EVERYTHING!
This fits in with the 3 main principles of life going forward:
Skepticism - don't blindly believe anything (especially if it is something that you very much want to be true).
Empiricism - this is the "verify everything" part. Insist on proof, and ideally the proof itself can be independently reproduced or verified.
Rationalism - use logic and reasoning to understand the deeper meaning behind people's actions and events, etc.