I used to work for GSK. Let me just tell you I only use Vitamins, herbs, homeopathic and now adding essential oils. If I have to go to a doctor, naturopathic, chiropractic or acupuncturist. Lastly, allopathic as a last resort unless I need surgery for damn unfortunately reason.
I’m more interested in it for the increase in collagen production so that my skin won’t be thin as I age. It also reduces inflammation and can help with Bell’s palsy symptoms.
Damn! That’s a seriously long list!
I used to work for GSK. Let me just tell you I only use Vitamins, herbs, homeopathic and now adding essential oils. If I have to go to a doctor, naturopathic, chiropractic or acupuncturist. Lastly, allopathic as a last resort unless I need surgery for damn unfortunately reason.
Understand why? I trust them less .1 percent.
Have you looked into red light therapy?
Yes. I have. At my gym, you can use that at a certain level subscription. I don't find it very useful.
I’m more interested in it for the increase in collagen production so that my skin won’t be thin as I age. It also reduces inflammation and can help with Bell’s palsy symptoms.