Do you know why?
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Scofield put his commentary and notes in there and they actually called it the 'Scofield Bible', which it isn' should be called a Scofield Commentary at best. Then you get Moody involved, and then the Rothschild family...then it gets pushed at places like Dallas Seminary and spreads like wildfire. Why you ask? This is where the 'we must ignore the words and warnings of Christ and instead cup the balls of the fake Jews, aka the SOS,' Christians began. Militant and fervent zionisma at its best/worst. My childhood preacher is still a good friend and mentor of mine and his son is my lifelong best friend. It doesn't matter how many times you point out the very words of Christ, they will deny and/or support actions taken against non Jews and double down on how they are the chosen ones. It's all part of the great deception...
Should be called the Oxford Bible since that who really funded and supported it from the ground up. Oxford University even owns it.