We’ve had one Christmas, yes, but what about second Christmas?
Jokes aside, orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7th instead of December 25th (they use the Julian calendar). But the Ukrainian government has had the Orthodox Church move Christmas from the 7th back to December 25th to reduce Russian influence in Ukraine. About 60% of Ukraine is orthodox Christian.
We’ve had one Christmas, yes, but what about second Christmas?
Jokes aside, orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7th instead of December 25th (they use the Julian calendar). But the Ukrainian government has had the Orthodox Church move Christmas from the 7th back to December 25th to reduce Russian influence in Ukraine. About 60% of Ukraine is orthodox Christian.
This is correct, however even though 60% of Ukraine is orthodox Christian, 95% of them support this shift away from the Russian culture.
Obligatory survey statistics can be made to say whatever you want to do.
Here’s an example of this from the sitcom “Yes Prime Minister”