I have difficulty understanding the lyrics in music. It just blends into the song and becomes another 'instrument' - I can understand the 'fuck joe biden' at the beginning but the rest of it I have no idea. There are songs I have been listening to my entire life and until I see a transcript of the words I don't really know what they are saying.
My new ringtone
I have difficulty understanding the lyrics in music. It just blends into the song and becomes another 'instrument' - I can understand the 'fuck joe biden' at the beginning but the rest of it I have no idea. There are songs I have been listening to my entire life and until I see a transcript of the words I don't really know what they are saying.
You need some decent headphones, friend.
Please ask someone with better ears than brain-dead. Me neither.
It helps to remember that the words might be "differently" pronounced to fit the song. Also, Brits in Rock and Roll. That is all.