When calculators were introduced into schools, it was predicted that youngsters would not have the ability to do simple maths in their heads. For example, who can work out 9 x 9 = ?
As AI becomes the norm, kids will no longer have the ability to think for themselves.
Answer: 9 x 9 is the same as 9 x 10 minus 9, which is?
If you didn't instantly know the answer, you rely on calculators too much.
When calculators were introduced into schools, it was predicted that youngsters would not have the ability to do simple maths in their heads. For example, who can work out 9 x 9 = ?
As AI becomes the norm, kids will no longer have the ability to think for themselves.
Answer: 9 x 9 is the same as 9 x 10 minus 9, which is? If you didn't instantly know the answer, you rely on calculators too much.