Yes indeed. Houston area. City shut down yesterday. Schools closed Tuesday Wed. People up north laughing at us but crazy drivers even crazier when icy. Ready for Summer.
Just south of Houston in Galveston County. But not the island. Lifetime on this coast, BOI, and have learned, after a hurricane, it snows in the winter. Started noticing in '83 with Alicia. Weird
Yes indeed. Houston area. City shut down yesterday. Schools closed Tuesday Wed. People up north laughing at us but crazy drivers even crazier when icy. Ready for Summer.
Just south of Houston in Galveston County. But not the island. Lifetime on this coast, BOI, and have learned, after a hurricane, it snows in the winter. Started noticing in '83 with Alicia. Weird
I didn’t realize that. I’ll have to look out for that. Thanks.