Joe Biden officially joined the Freemasons, on January 19, 2025.
He was made a Master Mason of Prince Hall Grand Lodge.
Catholics are forbidden under pain of excommunication, from joining the Masons.
I'm sure Pope Francis doesn't care. He's probably a Mason himself.
Not sure why i care anymore since hes finally gone ...
Freemasonry is another order of the system of Roman Catholicism. Masonry, at its foundation, is a military order.
Richard Levy in Antisemitism: A historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution says:
The highest source in freemasonry is Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma. From the original book, let us have masonry describe itself and its roman catholicism:
When someone gets knighted, or inducted into their system, it is a symbol acknowledging a "job well done" in working for their general, in pushing for the hegelian synthesis of opposing ideas. But who is the general of freemasonry? Let us go to the roman catholic encyclopedia, and see what they have to say about the Knights Templars:
So if freemasonry is a model of the knights templars, all being tentacles of the system of roman catholicism, then the general of freemasonry must be dispensing the teachings of rome:
And what does Satan Teach:
The immortality of the soul, which is present in every single religion of the world. So too does the parent system of freemasonry, roman catholicism, teach this:
Roman Catholic Catechism 366 (the OFFICIAL teaching of the system of rome)
But what does the Bible teach?
Death is the return of the breathe of life to the Breather of life. Only God has immortality, and only God has life to give. Man, formed as a living soul comprised of dust and a breathe, returns to dust as the last breath is returned to its Breather. To us, death may seem frightful and permanent, but in the Lord, death only need be a short sleep.
Understand that this is a battle for the minds, and that even if the system of roman catholicism threatens excommunication, is that truly what they represent?
These systems are not based on the Bible, but based on tradition:
Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church 1161
Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church 82
And a brainchild of this tradition of roman catholicism, masonry, traces itself back to Nimrod:
John T. Lawrence, author of “The Perfect Ashlar”, says:
John Yarker of “The Arcane Schools” says:
Arthur Edward Waite in “A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry” says:
And masonry, a product of the roman catholic knights templars, traces its origins directly to Satan:
Kenneth R.H. MacKenzie in “The Royal Masonic Cyclopedia” says:
With Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy and conspirator with Pike, in “Isis Unveiled, Vol 1” defining Hermes as Satan:
But what does the Bible say about all these traditions, the rites and the liturgies, the mass and the rosary, all of these traditions creating experiences to link the world in ecumenism, in a one world government, in a new world order, which declares the form of religion, but denies the power thereof:
The forbidding to marry, the abstaining from food, the worship of the creature (woman) over the Creator, is that not all found in the traditions of roman catholicism, spread to the world through masonry and their ilk?
There is a call to come out and be separate from such systems, but if the system is not identified, then how will the call be heard?
Some organizations like those titles and confer them easily. Actually a little surprised since it takes some time to learn some things to get to the point of a master mason.
If i could learn how to build the "cathedrals" today without having to sell my soul, I'd be the 1st to sign up!
The dates really have me wondering