23 Farmers whose cows fart too much to be taxed under Washington Dems' new proposal (NOW YOU SEE WHY I MOVED) (thepostmillennial.com) posted 1 month ago by brain_dead 1 month ago by brain_dead +23 / -0 Farmers whose cows fart too much to be taxed under Washington Dems’ new proposal “You’re asking the growers to pay more taxes, more regulation, in a time when you have record low commodity prices and their costs are astronomical right now. It’s just wrong!” 27 comments share 27 comments share save hide report block hide replies
You have to blame the citizens for this.
I would not blame the citizens. I am telling you they are being poisoned there with something and I don't know what.
Wow..is it that bad?
I have friends that fart more than cows. Will they be next target.