It’s unbelievable to me. I’m actually not sure if there’s shells or if they just had their heads in the sand for the last five fucking years pardon my French. Everybody is lapping up the narrative about the helicopter crash being due to DEI hires. It’s like they only Doubt the narrative when the other team is in charge of the government, but the news is still full of lies and even if Trump knew the truth, I’m not sure he would tell us right now. In fact, he probably wouldn’t because he keeps his cards close to the vest! I was relentlessly attacked for saying that it was probably intentional and in my mind there’s really no question they called me a conspiracy theorist! Like what? our Website and everything over the last five years has proved that we were right all along about just about every conspiracy! These people are so frustrating at times thanks for reading my rant.
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This one is deliberate. The blackhawk didn't have any lights on and if it's training, why would it train in a high traffic area and at night. Also, last night the ATC is only one guy in charge of both helicopters and planes. Usually you have 2 people, one for plane and one for helicopter. You can smell the BS from a mile away. Maybe it's partially DEI and partially Hit Job, just combining the 2 would make a great disaster.