Transitioning the Federal Workforce into Farmhands
I was reading one of James Howard Kunstler’s exquisite essays when I stumbled upon a hilarious conversation in his comment section. Discussing President Trump’s turbocharged criminal alien relocation efforts, a reader...
Incredible article and great title ! American thinkers are both brilliant and clever ! Ty for posting !
" American thinkers are both brilliant and clever"
...absolute ironclad truth...
"Up to their necks in chicken (you know the thing)"
..."Up to their necks in chicken dookie"...
...lovely sentiment you inspire...
"You knew the thang!" in the Amish heartland, there is a lot of "thang" about...
" "Thang" it is!"
...ironically, here in Ashland, the little old ladies make the rounds of the hitching posts around town and scoop up the by-products of horse transportation to use in their flower beds at home... it stays relatively tidy...
"I'd have to stop in the middle of the roadway to scoop mine and risk being ran over."
...I have witnessed near fist fights over the "fertilizer"...
...doggy winks...