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Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
What is the sovereignty of God?
Why do some Bible scholars say that God didn’t harden the heart of Pharaoh?
There seem to be two callings: A universal call to salvation to all people, and another to a limited number not to salvation but to the purpose of God. Can you explain?
Why do you believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture?
Why do you say that you feel like a worm? How can we express His love to others as a worm?
Are denominations similar to the division in the Corinthian church?
Could you explain Paul’s use of elders in Titus 1:5?
Can you explain why you say hell is not open yet according to Luke 16:23?
What is your opinion of the matter of religious racketeering?
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
He Knows How We Feel.
But He was tested; and, for that reason, He knows how we feel. We have a high priest that understands us, and He’s always available. He’s always there, and He understands us. He understands us not academically, but He is in the flesh, and down here He was tested. He was touched with the feeling of our infirmity. He knew what it was to weep. He knew what it was to hunger. He knew what it was to be touched with sorrow. Jesus wept. He was touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but without sin.
Daily Promises
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. (Malachi 4:2)
Rejoice in the sun's warming rays and remember the comforting power of the Lord of Hosts. Rapture in the healing regeneration of the Son and revel in His effective resurrection. Skip and dance, O son of redemption, and find your joy in the way of righteousness!
A Bright Spot For A Ruined Day
And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. -- Mark 14:62
If you need a bright spot for a ruined day, remember this life is the worst it will be for us.
Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.
Ernest Hemingway
Today's Wins
1 Being a Witness to the ‘American Miracle’ That Has Played Out Over the Past 16 Years
2 Farmers unite for Robert Kennedy, Jr.
3 American Indian Movement Leader Leonard Peltier Finally Freed from Prison
4 John Kiriakou - Donald Trump Revokes Security Clearances of 51 CIA Officers Who Got It Wrong About Hunter Biden Laptop—and So Much Else
5 Jeremy Kuzmarov - Citizens Tribunal Finds Top U.S. Weapons Contractors Guilty of Participation in Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide
Look What The Dog Dragged In
6 Maj. James Capers: A Question of Justice
7 JOHN KIRIAKOU - The Heroism of David McBride
8 Rwanda Invades DRC on Behalf of Corporate Critical Minerals Supply Chains
9 Canada Cheers on ‘Africa’s Most Ruthless Regime’
10 Manipulating Gender Is Not An Invention Of The Modern Era
11 An Object Lesson in Coddling Insane Murderers
12 The weaponization of government hasn't died as an issue
13 Trump bends the arc of history in West Asia – Part I
14 Trump bends the arc of history in West Asia – Part II
Dog Woo
15 Moon Of Alabama - Rubio : "It’s not normal for the world to have a unipolar power."
16 Walls of Fear: Gated Communities and a Fragmenting Society
17 PsyOps: The Historical, Modern, And Spiritual Warfare Tactics Used To Manipulate The Mind
19 How Prosperity Preachers Have Distorted And Preverted The Gospel..."Paul emphasizes the crucial role of pastors and church leaders in safeguarding the integrity of the gospel message. This responsibility includes identifying and addressing any attempts to misrepresent or distort the message."
20 A long-lost van Gogh may have surfaced at a Minnesota garage sale
21 A Governor, a Justice, and a Family Bible: Landry Helps Swear In Kristi Noem Louisiana’s governor first got to know Noem when they were both in Congress. Years later, he played an unexpected role when she joined Trump’s Cabinet.
22 Saturday Poem...Langston Hughes - The Negro Speaks of Rivers
23 Image courtesy of Todd Schowalter Productions.
Worst Of Babylon Bee - Sunday Edition
24 Adam Seen Wearing 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GENDER' Shirt In Garden Of Eden
25 10 Biblical Disasters That Were Probably Caused By DEI
26 Pope Francis Demands God Remove Walls Surrounding Heaven
27 Scholars Conclude Trumpets During Jesus' Return Means He Will Come Back With A Ska Band
28 Man Who Forgot To Pray For Friend Hides Shame As Friend Thanks Him For His Prayers
PowderRoomPolitics - Off Of The Leash
1 Over One Million Messianic Jews Worldwide
2 World Wide Jewish Population ...this is a significant increase from the 2012 estimates: By 2012, estimates for the number of Messianic Jews in the United States ranged from 175,000 to 250,000, and worldwide estimates were around 350,000, About triple the number is now reported by all Israel.
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents -Animal Antics: Pleas, Adoption, Wild And Free
1 Big Cat Steals Kitten's Food -Kitten Pleads For Justice!: (too cute!)
2 Mini Dachshund And Piglet Duo Warm Up The Internet
3 Shelter Cat Begs For Adoption
4 Pup Glued To Couch For Movies And Cartoons
5 Special Shelter Cat Finally Adopted
6 Captured Heart!
7 Not Camera Shy At All! (But Maybe Should Be!)
8 Raising A Rescue Bird
9 Adorable Abandoned Pups Rescued
10 Sheep Leaps For Joy After Shearing Off 40 lbs. OF Wool
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 Winter Oak - About This Life
2 Taki - The Di Is Cast
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Charles Haddon Spurgeon February 2nd — Morning Reading
"Without the shedding of blood is no remission." — Hebrews 9:22
This is the voice of unalterable truth. In none of the Jewish ceremonies were sins, even typically, removed without blood-shedding. In no case, by no means can sin be pardoned without atonement. It is clear, then, that there is no hope for me out of Christ; for there is no other blood-shedding which is worth a thought as an atonement for sin. Am I, then, believing in Him? Is the blood of His atonement truly applied to my soul? All men are on a level as to their need of Him. If we be never so moral, generous, amiable, or patriotic, the rule will not be altered to make an exception for us. Sin will yield to nothing less potent than the blood of Him whom God hath set forth as a propitiation. What a blessing that there is the one way of pardon! Why should we seek another?
Persons of merely formal religion cannot understand how we can rejoice that all our sins are forgiven us for Christ's sake. Their works, and prayers, and ceremonies, give them very poor comfort; and well may they be uneasy, for they are neglecting the one great salvation, and endeavouring to get remission without blood. My soul, sit down, and behold the justice of God as bound to punish sin; see that punishment all executed upon thy Lord Jesus, and fall down in humble joy, and kiss the dear feet of Him whose blood has made atonement for thee. It is in vain when conscience is aroused to fly to feelings and evidences for comfort: this is a habit which we learned in the Egypt of our legal bondage. The only restorative for a guilty conscience is a sight of Jesus suffering on the cross. "The blood is the life thereof," says the Levitical law, and let us rest assured that it is the life of faith and joy and every other holy grace.
"Oh! how sweet to view the flowing
Of my Saviour's precious blood;
With divine assurance knowing
He has made my peace with God."
Charles Haddon Spurgeon February 1st — Evening Reading
"Thy love to me was wonderful." — 2 Samuel 1:26
Come, dear readers, let each one of us speak for himself of the wonderful love, not of Jonathan, but of Jesus. We will not relate what we have been told, but the things which we have tasted and handled-of the love of Christ. Thy love to me, O Jesus, was wonderful when I was a stranger wandering far from Thee, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind. Thy love restrained me from committing the sin which is unto death, and withheld me from self-destruction. Thy love held back the axe when Justice said, "Cut it down! why cumbereth it the ground?" Thy love drew me into the wilderness, stripped me there, and made me feel the guilt of my sin, and the burden of mine iniquity. Thy love spake thus comfortably to me when, I was sore dismayed-"Come unto Me, and I will give thee rest." Oh, how matchless Thy love when, in a moment, Thou didst wash my sins away, and make my polluted soul, which was crimson with the blood of my nativity, and black with the grime of my transgressions, to be white as the driven snow, and pure as the finest wool. How Thou didst commend Thy love when Thou didst whisper in my ears, "I am thine and thou art Mine." Kind were those accents when Thou saidst, "The Father Himself loveth you." And sweet the moments, passing sweet, when Thou declaredst to me "the love of the Spirit." Never shall my soul forget those chambers of fellowship where Thou has unveiled Thyself to me. Had Moses his cleft in the rock, where he saw the train, the back parts of his God? We, too, have had our clefts in the rock, where we have seen the full splendours of the Godhead in the person of Christ. Did David remember the tracks of the wild goat, the land of Jordan and the Hermonites? We, too, can remember spots to memory dear, equal to these in blessedness. Precious Lord Jesus, give us a fresh draught of Thy wondrous love to begin the month with. Amen.