Can we put all the DOOM posts on a separate page?
Trump has been President for less than 6 weeks. Kash and Bondi have been in their positions less than that. Before DOOMING everything they do, give them time to build their cases and prosecute these people for treason. Their connections to the CIA/Mossad will come out. STOP DOOMING because it doesn't fit you timeline! We have been waiting 8 years, let it happen without the crying like a liberal! IMO
Anyone deep enough into crypto to know what the fuck is going on with it? Why is btc down so much, can it be shorted like stocks? Seems like good news to be federally recognized, setup as a reserve, and be in a sense decriminalized (I know there’s a better word for it but I can’t think of it- my wife opened a business account a few years ago and the bank made us sign a promise that her business would not accept crypto).. to me, as a holder, the only thing I need is a way to conveniently use it in commerce.
I'm not deep but there are definitely ways to short BTC using ETFs,can%20also%20generate%20significant%20losses.
In general, it still coincides with how liquid people want to be, as it's still speculation-based. When some people are nervous about their own finances...they invest in stuff that is less volatile or maybe save money for a rainy day (ie they're selling). Bitcoin is now a very popular investment, which always attracts a balance of opinions, and right now the market is being driven by people being more careful in the short term. Lots of people still view crypto in general as a short term investment. All trading right now is more conservative bc of potential tariffs...not that they are the wrong longer term move.
I personally think that was Trump is doing is going to stabilize Bitcoin, and make it viewed as a longer term investment, since the government now has skin in the game, but that's not financial advice.
I know this isn't a complete answer, but I think this warranted at least AN answer