posted ago by Planetaryoverdrive ago by Planetaryoverdrive +197 / -1

Greetings. I've been reading the posts here for about 6-7 years. I've learned so much here. I'm constantly amazed at the research that some of you annons do. GW has been one of my favorite news sources. Many times, I have read something here that I wanted to comment on but I honestly don't think that I am worthy. Also, I read things here that never make it to the "news" or if it does, it's spun and distorted. I want to thank all of you digital soldiers for what you do. I try to open people's eyes to what is REALLY going on. I refer them to this wonderful website. Mostly I encounter ridicule. There are a lot of people that think they know about Q. The American disinformation system has done a fantastic job of discrediting Q. Many have adopted this opinion without looking into it for their selves.

Doomers - listen to this: good things take time. Please be patient. We all truly are living in an amazing time. Look at what Trump has been through. Look at the cabinet. Look at what has already been done. Look at what's going to be done in the near future. I haven't been anywhere near as optimistic as I am right now. Trump's first term was awfully good. But he learned so much from it and this term will make the first term look like little league.

In closing, I created an account today. I will try to keep my comments to just praise of your posts and I will NEVER doom.