Was with them 40+ years. Seen they became WOKE as they supplied money for gay books to schools here in Florida. There rates kept doubling so ADIOS. Switched a few years back and life is great again.
Yeah I need to get rid of them to ,, last year alone my ins went up a little over 4 thousand , 4 k in one year ! I’m over 10 k a year ! Problem is in cli it’s not easy getting ins anymore we are kind of screwed to stay where we are covered
Was with them 40+ years. Seen they became WOKE as they supplied money for gay books to schools here in Florida. There rates kept doubling so ADIOS. Switched a few years back and life is great again.
Yeah I need to get rid of them to ,, last year alone my ins went up a little over 4 thousand , 4 k in one year ! I’m over 10 k a year ! Problem is in cli it’s not easy getting ins anymore we are kind of screwed to stay where we are covered
Holy crap and I am bitching about insurance being just over 3K. You must have a nice house and or live in Florida ;-)
I’m in Cali ,, I know , I wish Flordia !
Sorry, I know that feeling all too well. Know folks who were cancelled right before the recent fires / mud slides. I wish you luck.