How do you determine who did not perform? I had parents who thought I hung the moon and others (in the same class) who thought I was the worst thing that ever happened to their kiddo….? I don’t have an answer. I think poor teachers should be fired.
I also believe new teachers should spend an entire year with their ‘host’ teacher instead of just a semester or quarter student teaching. OR they should be required to spend a year substituting after they get out of college. It will teach them to walk Into any situation, think on their feet, experience different philosophies and different grade/age levels. Good background for a teacher.
and pay cuts for non performers
No. Fired.
How do you determine who did not perform? I had parents who thought I hung the moon and others (in the same class) who thought I was the worst thing that ever happened to their kiddo….? I don’t have an answer. I think poor teachers should be fired.
I also believe new teachers should spend an entire year with their ‘host’ teacher instead of just a semester or quarter student teaching. OR they should be required to spend a year substituting after they get out of college. It will teach them to walk Into any situation, think on their feet, experience different philosophies and different grade/age levels. Good background for a teacher.
Make sure you speak up on such info if it ever come to a vote.
This is a great idea.