But then maybe their right, since we’re Not a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic, which would largely limit their ability to be the Corrupt Threat they’ve become …
Truer words may never have been spoken..
LIVID towards those Creating it, Beyond Angry with those Lying About it, and Beyond Frustrated with those Buying It…
And the 1st two would have little or no effect if the last weren’t so ILLOGICALLY GULLIBLE…
But then maybe their right, since we’re Not a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic, which would largely limit their ability to be the Corrupt Threat they’ve become …
Almost, as stated here on this board...
"It is not the chronic liars that we need to be concerned about, it is the compulsive believers that enable them."
Truer words may never have been spoken.. LIVID towards those Creating it, Beyond Angry with those Lying About it, and Beyond Frustrated with those Buying It… And the 1st two would have little or no effect if the last weren’t so ILLOGICALLY GULLIBLE…
I'm suspicious of media folk that use democracy instead of republic.
Always remember that their 'Democracy' means NY City, DC. and Cal. Own and rule over The Republic.