What a surprise (Not) Senator Murkowski and her bitch Senator Sullivan, both from Alaska. Princess Murkowski, was handed the Alaska senator seat by King Frank Murkowski her daddy. The family has had the seat for over 40 years. Due to the election mail in ballots , rank voting and the cowardice republicans of Alaska she can do what ever the communist demands her to do.
Every single member of Congress is complicit. They all take dirty money, they are all hedonist pieces of shit. There is not a single member that is for the People. Some talk a good game but what have they done to move our fight forward? Not a fucking thing. They just play games running out the clock. Fuck all of them. Vote them all out. Better yet charge them all with fucking treason. They are all traitors.
What a surprise (Not) Senator Murkowski and her bitch Senator Sullivan, both from Alaska. Princess Murkowski, was handed the Alaska senator seat by King Frank Murkowski her daddy. The family has had the seat for over 40 years. Due to the election mail in ballots , rank voting and the cowardice republicans of Alaska she can do what ever the communist demands her to do.
Every single member of Congress is complicit. They all take dirty money, they are all hedonist pieces of shit. There is not a single member that is for the People. Some talk a good game but what have they done to move our fight forward? Not a fucking thing. They just play games running out the clock. Fuck all of them. Vote them all out. Better yet charge them all with fucking treason. They are all traitors.