REAL ANON'S are here as we follow the EVIDENCE (documented verifiable evidence), we are building the TRUTH of our HISTORY so we can expose and dismantle the corruption that has PLAGUED our world for millennia. I invite any publication to print this as a statement of fact from an ACTUAL ANON. WE do not tell YOU what to think or how to FEEL about a topic. WE simply dig for TRUTH and then PRESENT what we find so it can be scrutinized by our PEERS and further corroborated.
The CHOICE to KNOW what we have found, verified and presented is entirely up to YOU.
Presenting OUR work in a way to imply WE are some sort of cult, shows the WORLD how corrupt the MAINSTREAM MEDIA has become.
WE are NOT about violence, subversion or control. WE are simply providing FACT based information FREE of charge to the WORLD.
Anons simply present evidence for consideration by others. If that evidence is contrary to the MSM, is it really that surprising to see them bash it ? After all, Mika Brzezinski in her freudian slip, told the world it was their job to tell the people what to think. If you don't buy her drivel, then learn to think for yourself and question the narrative being spun by the MSM. The MSM is extremely conspicuous for what they don't tell you as what they do. An enormous amount of info found by Anons will NEVER be seen on TV, or any other print news, since it goes against their spin.
At the very least open your mind to a DIFFERENT take than what they want you to believe. Break the chains, and stop letting them baffle with bullshit.
Anything they don't like is called a conspiracy. Remember, all the theories to the President JFK murder were called conspiracy. 60 years later, to anyone paying attention, its quite doubtful that JFK was killed by a lone gun man.