posted ago by andrewjackson45 ago by andrewjackson45 +32 / -0

I have to admit I'm getting a little nervous in that I think they are going to be more casualties than people originally thought in the leadup to the election and possibly the aftermath. Part of Medford Oregon and nearby towns are now burned down, I'm not sure yet if anyone died but it's a tremendous loss of property for sure. The area is overall conservative and Trump supporting so it's very suspicious.

I'm from the west and I've never seen fires like this, yes there are usually bad ones every year but not at this rate. Gavin newsom is on twitter prattling on about climate change right now. The fires in Medford were started along the freeway also which is very suspicious.

People need to keep in mind qanon is a military operation and I think it's becoming more clear that the idea of everyone coming out of this unscathed is a fantasy. I'm not sure what is going on exactly, I'm sure the team knew of the possibility of fires being started but I'm guessing maybe they thought they had convinced the other side not to go there but then something happened that made them back track on this and decide to use a scorched earth strategy.

Please watch out for yourselves and your families and consider whether you are in the path of danger if you're in one of these states run by lunatics.