boogiebody posted an image of POTUS in front of flags. He was counting 17 flags.
BUT, behind those flags were 23 flags and Q has mentioned the number 23 many times. One post most recently posted, 5-17-2020, Q is talking about understanding Snowden and future events better.
Well, the link to Homeland Security documents is troublesome. I found the cited pages on an archive web page of Lisa Mei 62. She also has the other pages mentioned there. Lisa Mei thought that page 20 was important which said:
"One thing that is clear, however, is that the IC (Intelligence Community) documents disclosed in public are merely the tip of the iceberg.
As of Aug 19, 2016, press outlets had published or referenced ---redacted--taken by Snowden. (foot note 164 email from NSA LA, cited portion classified S/REL to the USA and FVEY).
This represents less than one-tenth of one percent of the nearly 1.5 million docs the IC assesses Snowden removed. "
I've now saved her images to my machine and if something comes up where people need to see these, I'll drop them here.
boogiebody posted an image of POTUS in front of flags. He was counting 17 flags. BUT, behind those flags were 23 flags and Q has mentioned the number 23 many times. One post most recently posted, 5-17-2020, Q is talking about understanding Snowden and future events better.
Well, the link to Homeland Security documents is troublesome. I found the cited pages on an archive web page of Lisa Mei 62. She also has the other pages mentioned there. Lisa Mei thought that page 20 was important which said:
"One thing that is clear, however, is that the IC (Intelligence Community) documents disclosed in public are merely the tip of the iceberg.
As of Aug 19, 2016, press outlets had published or referenced ---redacted--taken by Snowden. (foot note 164 email from NSA LA, cited portion classified S/REL to the USA and FVEY). This represents less than one-tenth of one percent of the nearly 1.5 million docs the IC assesses Snowden removed. "
I've now saved her images to my machine and if something comes up where people need to see these, I'll drop them here.