MOTHER JONES PANIC: QAnon Is Attracting Cops
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HOLY CRAP! Ifinally read the article, full of cast aspersions that followers will do EXACTLY what deranged MK ULTRA patseys have done in the past. Mixing unfounded lies about conspiracy theories and projecting them on to Cops to encourage fear. Making light of the SATANIC PANIC OF THE 1980S when Fauci was conflating AIDS as a highly contageous disease when they all knew it was the symptoms of an immune system crash. When can the lying be exposed in court? I guess when Gen.Flynn and Brad Parscale see justice for being set up by the 3 letter agencies. Sedition is thickrr than good pea soup.
I giggled when I read the title. Oh my, Q info really does weed out the truth seekers from the mindless followers.