Your web page about Chlorine Dioxide is incorrect: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-warns-consumers-about-dangerous-and-potentially-life-threatening-side-effects-miracle-mineral
It is not the same as bleach because it is a mild oxidizer. That means it won't oxidize body cells or gut bacteria, but it will oxidize many pathogens like malaria and viruses that are weakly held together. There are testimonials for it treating everything from cancer to HIV! I met someone who took it in the US Army and he claimed it saved his life when he caught malaria. Does the US military know things you do not? I've read that 20 million people worldwide have taken the medicine, and that it has treated Covid-19. If your web page was 100% correct, that couldn't be true.
Please research and validate that it is a mild oxidant, not like bleach, and that your web page has errors. Table salt has Chlorine in it also, but it isn't dangerous in small amounts either. The lethal dose of Chlorine Dioxide in liquid is actually very high, whereas the typical protocol is 3-6 drops of MMS in 1/2 cup of water per hour. All of your sentences claiming problems are taking far from the recommended amount, like taking kilograms of salt. There is zero chance of dehydration or other problems at reasonable doses. You are unintentionally lying because of the misleading information.
If you don't think Chlorine Dioxide is a good selective oxidizer of viruses, then what do you recommend? Are you researching potential treatments considering the oxidation mechanism of action? I believe Chlorine Dioxide is a miracle but if you can find something even better, then please let us all know!
BTW, I've also read that Chlorine Dioxide is enhanced by Dimethyl Sulfate, a solvent which dissolves the Chlorine Dioxide so that it can be carried into cells and deeper into the body.
Maybe you should fund some studies along the lines of mild oxidants, and solvents for them, if you don't have any good information right now.
Here's a link to more information from a credible person you could learn lots from:
I post this here because Chlorine Dioxide is a great example of a treatment that the TPTB don't want us to know about and use, even though it's already used in water treatment, and dental mouthwash! If it were really dangerous, that wouldn't be true. Amazon recently banned some of the products, in fact, they should be promoting it. It can prevent anyone from needing to go to the hospital.
It's amazing that because it is a weak oxidizer with a positive charge, it doesn't touch anything well put together like human cells. Instead, it travels all around the body until it find something weakly held together with a negative charge, like a virus, and then it will pull off 5 electrons from the capsid layer per molecule of Chlorine Dioxide, which will rip that fucking virus apart. People say the virus could one day get around the Hydroxychloroquine treatment, but it is very hard to make one that can't be oxidized. "Ya can't change the laws of physics, Captain Kirk!"
There are issues around taking Vitamin C or other anti-oxidants, but you can just hold off for 12-24 hours before. The key is to take it 5 to 15 times, for days or even weeks to cleanse out the body from the inside. It's helped treat so many diseases you wouldn't believe it, including arthritis, because it oxidizes and helps break down dead tissue that is in the way of the joints.
All of the top Google searches about Chlorine Dioxide say it's dangerous. Is that a coincidence?
From what I know now, you're missing one big piece of the puzzle here, which actually simplifies this theory of the mechanism by which Chlorine Dioxide works.
There is no such thing as a "virus". No virus has ever been isolated in the history of Virology.
What Virologists call "isolation", is the process of growing a contaminated cell culture, damaging it, and then viewing the dead cell debris under an electron microscope, which they then consider "the isolated virus", even though nothing was ever isolated by the process.
The debris is indistinguishable from known exosomes (necrotic cellular detritus), which are present without any virus, and observed by scientists in other biology fields.
The biochemical make up of the "isolated" particles is never analyzed by Virologists.
There is never any control included, because the only times a sterilized control has been used in a study, it resulted in identical exosomes being observed without ever being contaminated with a virus. This was first proven by the inventor of this method of "isolation" himself.
The only times that animal tests are done, no control is included, even though a control would be the only way to rule out the environment and handling of the animals being the cause of the observed outcomes.
If you take this into account, you can see how the mechanism by which Chlorine Dioxide treats disease (which is falsely attributed to a "virus"), is actually identical to how you describe it working for arthritis. Disease caused by toxins results in cell damage, and the Chlorine Dioxide helps break down the dead tissue to it can be eliminated from your body.
Truth: Pharma Indu$try makes no money off of ClO2.
ClO2 will never be made available.
Thank you for unearthing new information. Will read up on it.
The FDA responded to my letter:
Thank you for writing the Division of Drug Information in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
We appreciate you taking the time to share your information with us.
We appreciate your effort in contacting the FDA to share your concerns with us. As discussed in the FDA News Release on Miracle Mineral Solution, the FDA warns consumers not to purchase or drink products such as Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Supplement, MMS, Chlorine Dioxide Protocol, Water Purification Solution, or other similar products do to serious and potentially life-threatening side effects. These products are not FDA-approved for treating COVID-19.
Please find up-to-date information on the FDA Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Main Page and the CDC COVID-19 Main Page.
Best regards,
This is the reply I wrote back:
Dear FDA,
Thank you very much for responding to me!
Unfortunately, I believe some of your information is incorrect.
I know you all are doing your best, but I find it a little ironic you are trying to outlaw a medicine that treats half the diseases known to man, including Covid-19: https://mmstestimonials.co/ It's been used for 100 years in medicine. It's known to work well as a mouthwash. People using it have no plaque build up because it oxidizes the bacteria which create it.
Chlorine Dioxide is positively charged and also a mild oxidizer, which makes it very selective. It won't touch body tissue or even gut bacteria, but it will rip apart viruses like Covid-19. Here's an article talking about it treating all the Covid-19 patients in one city in Spain: https://madridmarket.es/san-jose-de-chiquitos-ha-controlado-absolutamente-la-pandemia-con-dioxido-de-cloro-afirma-garmain-caballero-alcalde-del-municipio-de-41-000-vecinos/
It's not in English, but it's worth translating given the stunning results. If you really believe Chlorine Dioxide doesn't work, you would be able to explain alternate theories for that result. It would be great for someone to try at least, and put that on the FDA web page.
If you don't think Chlorine Dioxide is a good selective oxidizer, then what weak oxidizers do you recommend? You could enhance the Chlorine Dioxide page by telling everyone to use something even better. How come you don't mention any replacements using this powerful mechanism of action?
Can you please acknowledge that it is a mild oxidizer? I asked that question in the previous mail but you didn't respond to that critically important issue. The weakness makes it very selective and effective in small doses. The dangerous side effects seem only when inhaled, or ingesting far outside the recommended dose. It would be like eating 2 cups of salt. How can you say something that is currently used in mouthwash and water treatment to be unsafe without talking about the specific dose? It's safer than the Chlorine water in swimming pools.
The typical dose is just a few drops in 1/2 cup per hour. It's been said it breaks down into salts and oxygen, or have you heard something else?
A US Army veteran told me it saved his life when he caught malaria. I have heard it's quite widely used in US military hospitals. Can you investigate that?
There's a lot of great scientific information on this page explaining about how it can be used for Covid-19: https://andreaskalcker.com/en/coronavirus-special-information-for-physicians-and-researchers/
Do you see any mistakes? The Chlorine Dioxide page on the website has zero scientific studies it links to! How can you be so certain that page is correct with nothing to back it up?
I've also read that Chlorine Dioxide is enhanced by Dimethyl Sulfate, a solvent which dissolves the Cl02 so that it can be carried into cells and deeper into the body. Maybe you should fund some studies along the lines of mild oxidants, and solvents for them, if you don't have any good information right now.
If you could try to respond to even a few of these questions, I would really appreciate it!
-Keith http://keithcu.com/