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"How is it that Trumps cases have been shot down one by one?"

Bush v Gore lost every single lower court case. That's right, Bush lost EVERY SINGLE CASE. Until he got to the Supreme Court. How did that work out? As for proof...sworn affadavits are the same as swearing under oath in court. If you lie you get sent down for 5 years. Unlike lying to the Senate and House courts actually take oaths and perjury seriously. They ahve over 5000 sworn afadavits. They also have receipts for payments rendered, mathematicians showing how it was done. I mean you have to be a special kind of stupid to think the election was legit The International Election watchers have certain flags which tell them these 3rd World shitholes have a rigged election. Every single one occurred in the US.

How would you feel if it was the other way round? The fact you don't care because your team won is disgusting. Next time it WILL be the other side that steals it, because they will pretend it is fair by swapping teams so long as the person on the other side is part of The Uniparty and will let the graft continue.

Oh and until there is an official inauguration there can be no change over of Presidents and PROMETHEUS kicks in. Every date other than Jan 20th is not constitutional, it is done for convenience. In the event of a contested election the military must continue to take it's commands from the current CIC until a new one is sworn in.

So no, the miltary won't be removing him and Trump will have failed his Oath Of Office if he hands over the reigns to a man who is compromised by China. Unlike the Russia bullshit there is actually evidence of Bidens corruption if you actually read info that the corporate media is refusing to let you see. Misprison of Treason is going to take them down too.

But whatever. You will see, Trump will be re-elected and the Insurrection Act is likely to be triggered.

It is laughable to think Trump will just step down and run again in 2024. If this fraud stands there will never be an outsider gets in again. The Left will destroy Trump and his family, as well as the Trump supporters. They are already talking about putting supporters on a list and re-education camps. Take a look at the massive over reach in Democrat controlled cities they think they are gonna treat everyone like that.

Oh no child, there IS going to be a civil war that will make Serbia seem like a mild skirmish unless Trump manages to get a grip on them all.

Kinda funny that everything is paralleling the 1864 election when they tried to steal the election from Lincoln in much the same manner with fraudulent mail in ballots and forged signatures. Like now they were caught and charged with treason (stealing a Prez election is classed as an Act Of War not mere voter fraud). Sentenced to be executed Lincoln commuted the terms to life imprisonment instead. But it didn't stop them agitating and triggering a Civil War a few years later.

History repeats and they are trying the same shit. Again they will fail. Hopefully this time they don't trigger a Civil War which will be much more vicious than last time as it will be a modern one and not armies.

Still, stay in your Left v Right bubble and delude yourself it is just politics as usual. Don't act shocked when you find it is not so.

3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

"How is it that Trumps cases have been shot down one by one?"

Bush v Gore lost every single lower court case. That's right, Bush lost EVERY SINGLE CASE. Until he got to the Supreme Court. How did that work out?

Oh and until there is an official inauguration there can be no change over of Presidents and PROMETEUS kicks in. Every date other than Jan 20th is not constitutional, it is done for convenience. In the event of a contested election the military must continue to take it's commands from the current CIC until a new one is sworn in.

So no, the miltary won't be removing him and Trump will have failed his Oath Of Office if he hands over the reigns to a man who is compromised by China. Unlike the Russia bullshit there is actually evidence of Bidens corruption if you actually read info that the corporate media is refusing to let you see. Misprison of Treason is going to take them down too.

But whatever. You will see, Trump will be re-elected and the Insurrection Act is likely to be triggered.

It is laughable to think Trump will just step down and run again in 2024. If this fraud stands there will never be an outsider gets in again. The Left will destroy Trump and his family, as well as the Trump supporters. They are already talking about putting supporters on a list and re-education camps. Take a look at the massive over reach in Democrat controlled cities they think they are gonna treat everyone like that.

Oh no child, there IS going to be a civil war that will make Serbia seem like a mild skirmish unless Trump manages to get a grip on them all.

Kinda funny that everything is paralleling the 1864 election when they tried to steal the election from Lincoln in much the same manner with fraudulent mail in ballots and forged signatures. Like now they were caught and charged with treason (stealing a Prez election is classed as an Act Of War not mere voter fraud). Sentenced to be executed Lincoln commuted the terms to life imprisonment instead. But it didn't stop them agitating and triggering a Civil War a few years later.

History repeats and they are trying the same shit. Again they will fail. Hopefully this time they don't trigger a Civil War which will be much more vicious than last time as it will be a modern one and not armies.

Still, stay in your Left v Right bubble and delude yourself it is just politics as usual. Don't act shocked when you find it is not so.

3 years ago
1 score